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Showing posts from October, 2017

Pre Wedding Shoot

          Fun Ideas For A Pre Wedding Shoot Saddam Hussain- For making pre wedding shoot memorable Fun ideas are very importent fun ideas make event gracy joyfull,special and loving there are many fun ideas that in a pre wedding shoot can be added here is some of great ideas that make an pre wedding special ideas like Dance programe,singing wedding songs,eating out in a special event with family member and relatives and mahendi drawings Are the fun activities thats make a pre wedding shoot memorable and loving forever  Many more ideas also can be added to make touchy and historic a pre wedding shoot by decorating bride in a historical desgine jewellry this will make bride a queen look and it will be eye cachy in family and relative crowd historical desgine look cloths make bride look perfect as queen These type of activity can gives a pre wedding shoot special touch its increases the attention of people towards wedding and bride becomes center of attrection

MI Note 4

MI Note 4: Finaly xiaomi launched its much awaited mi series next phone after mi 3 xiaomi launched its next mi 4 phone is pretty smooth screen size is 4 and display quality is much better then previous mi rear camera is 13 mp sony snapdragon 801 quad-core 2.0GHz chipest,3GBRam,16 GB rom,Android 6.0 os and 3080mAh battery  mi 4 is super smooth phone around Rs 10,000 if you are planing to purchase a phone in thos range than my recomendation for you is mi 4 its a new generation phone xiaomi is doing very well in india they are prooving it xiaomi want to grab indian market of average price phone mi seties is there milestone to grab this target.

gadgets review

This blog is about technology education where I share technology reviews, technology education,mobile technology reviews,technology jobs,teen age education and technology,education,technology learn and more ed tech information

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About us  Our mission is to educate people of internet who lust for information. To provide easily accessible information we sorted various articles into categories like technology, gadget review, interesting facts and interesting places. If you have further questions contact us at ADVERTISING POSSIBILITIES WANTED:

🎓📈Internships In India

  ⌛  Internships In India  - P ath Of Dream Job Dia-intership,goals,experences Mr.Hussain :  Are you  looking for a better job or you want to make your future bright then there is one question want to ask you .You are undergraduate and serious about your career ? Then this time of a student life is like a golden period to get future targets.Practial knowlegde for future goals is importent. These days getting a job in India become very rough task,India is growing day by day in a report of famous media house India today it is cleared that our seven percent engineer are employable many other websites also point out on this issue.Our 60 percent engineering graduates are not working or preparing for Govt exams after hearing this kind of news or facing situation one question always raise in parents mind what the thing is remained that they did not put for their child bright future.The solution of this question is that training of a job student are attending college classes for getti

👦💑👷Teen age care

Life from Teen Age To a Man 🏂🔬 Life from teen to a man !! (Mr. Matwan):  In today world life from teen age to a man teach us many lessons that we should notice but in our daily life and stress to make future brighter we forget that we are human we have given birth in this world by lord is for some reason not for our selfish thoughts our life start from the day of birth but actually the man race started from that day your loving care family member started guesing that our son will become a well doctor and a engineer the stress full life from teen age to better person is now on .Child become a teenage by passing his school and now inner physical hard changes are undergoing in this situation he is dreaming to be a great doctor or a great engineer if succeed people will be started admiring him but if he fail lots of stresses and tension make  life worst so life is given us is a god gift do not waist it Do your own and satisfy work which is you like choose your way by your heart